Day: September 11, 2023

How edtech is embedded in Society 5.0

The pandemic saw countless education institutes scramble in a bid to offer remote learning, which just highlighted how ill-prepared they were for future learning. But in this transition, we also learned something vital: Edtech learning helps to level the playing field for those who are unable to join regular classes due to location, illness, or […]

From trade to separatists, Trudeau feels heat of strained India relations

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe’s government is accusing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of damaging relations with India and keeping the provinces in the dark about trade talks. In a letter Moe released Monday, Saskatchewan Trade Minister Jeremy Harrison argued Trudeau is picking a fight with India for domestic political gain and risking access to one of his province’s most important […]

Edtech trends are enabling more diverse learning

Edtech is the combination of IT tools and educational practices aimed at facilitating scalable individualized learning. It comprises the whole world of computer-aided education and training, along with the use of digital tools and resources. There are numerous advantages to educational technology. Students learn at different rates, and from diverse ways. Efficient reading is best for […]

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