Massaging Balls, Plunge Pools, Memory Foam Dog Beds: Who Needs All This ‘Recovery’ Gear?

Massaging Balls, Plunge Pools, Memory Foam Dog Beds: Who Needs All This ‘Recovery’ Gear?
Massaging Balls, Plunge Pools, Memory Foam Dog Beds: Who Needs All This ‘Recovery’ Gear?

IF IT SEEMS like you can’t open Instagram without seeing videos of people taking cold plunge baths or rolling their quads with medieval-looking, deep-tissue devices, it’s because “recovery” has gone mainstream. These devices, designed for and once exclusively marketed to high-performance athletes, are now being pitched as necessary tools for inconsistent weight lifters, 5K runners, the unserious pickleballer, and even pet dogs who can barely be bothered to play fetch.

“We’re now trying to reach the weekend warriors that play their favorite sports from high school…and are still sore until Tuesday,” said Jason Wersland, founder of Therabody, which makes a range of wellness gadgets like the Theragun percussive massage gun.

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