Rishi Sunak Rearranges the Deck Chairs

Rishi Sunak Rearranges the Deck Chairs
Rishi Sunak Rearranges the Deck Chairs

United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reshuffled his cabinet Monday, and Britons can be forgiven if they don’t learn his new ministers’ names. They might not be around long. Changing ministers at this late date is unlikely to change the bleak Tory prospects in an election expected next year.

The reshuffle brought two major personnel changes. One is the firing of Suella Braverman as home secretary with responsibility for policing and immigration. Her sins are said to include publishing a controversial column last week in the Times of London (which shares ownership with this newspaper) criticizing pro-Palestine marches in London, and failing to stop illegal immigration across the English Channel.

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