England Netball: Funmi Fadoju on being clumsy, her rapid rise & idolising Geva Mentor

England Netball: Funmi Fadoju on being clumsy, her rapid rise & idolising Geva Mentor

Funmi Fadoju playing for England
Funmi Fadoju has made 20 appearances for England

Away from the court, rising England star Funmi Fadoju is a self-proclaimed “forgetful” and “clumsy” person – known for not bringing her trainers and playing a Super League match with one ear phone left in.

But, when she steps out on court, it’s a different story.

“All I think about is my play and the ball. Sometimes I can’t even hear what people are saying on court I just focus on these two things,” Fadoju told BBC Sport.

“I’m just fixated on my own thing and trying to do that. That’s a talent and a downfall at times.”

After making her debut against Uganda in October 2022, the 21-year-old defender has already developed a reputation as one of England’s most promising talents.

Fadoju is part of a 15-strong Roses squad preparing to take on South Africa in a three-match series, starting on Tuesday in Manchester from 19:00 GMT before games in Nottingham on Saturday (17:00) and Sunday (14:00).

After making history by reaching a first World Cup final, that England squad missed a series in New Zealand, with goal defence Fadoju set to feature for the first time since losing to Australia in Cape Town.

It was Fadoju’s first World Cup and while she recognises the “amazing” achievement she is surprised “every day” at how quickly she has shot into the spotlight.

“Sometimes I just think ‘wow I can’t actually believe I’m still here’ – it feels so weird even to this day,” she said.

“I look up to most of these players and I’m like ‘wait a minute I’m playing with them?’ It’s an amazing feeling – I feel so honoured and grateful.”

‘I am naturally clumsy – that’s just who I am’

Among her team-mates, Fadoju has a reputation for being “forgetful” and “a bit ditsy”.

Layla Guscoth and Natalie Metcalf, England co-captains at the World Cup, told BBC Sport that she frequently leaves items on public transport and her contact lenses fall out mid-game.

But balancing playing for England while also studying for a degree in biomedical science, it is hardly surprising that Fadoju can get distracted.

“I can understand why they say that,” Fadoju laughed.

“I feel like I lose my contact lenses every other game. I’ll just be taking a few steps or running backwards and they’ll pop out and I’m left trying to figure out where the ball is.”

She recalls leaving a backpack on a train in New Zealand, forgetting trainers at camp and admits that she accidentally played a full match for her domestic team, London Pulse, with an earphone still in.

“I have a hairband on and sometimes I put it really low. I had my earphones in before a game listening to music and because the hairband was so tight I didn’t really feel it,” she said.

“I played the whole game, didn’t really feel it and after the game I was going to the shower and I was like ‘hang on, what’s this?’

“Everyone was looking at me like ‘did you play the whole game with that in?!’

“I am a naturally forgetful, clumsy person. That’s just who I am.”

At 5ft 9in, Fadoju is not the tallest defender but she makes up for it with a flying leap that has become her trademark, making her a fan favourite.

Her talent is one that comes naturally and she recalls cruising through the ranks from school, to county, then regional level before playing for Pulse’s under-17 side.

She started as a shooter but quickly realised she was more suited to the other end of the court and made the switch at her coach’s suggestion.

“I was so upset by that – I was like ‘defence?!’ but then I tried it out and I thought ‘oh this is cool, a bit of argy bargy’. Looking back it was goal defence from there – I thought ‘yes, this is what I was meant to do’.”

England goalkeeper Geva Mentor puts her arm around goal defence Funmi Fadoju during the Netball World Cup
Funmi Fadoju (left) will be a regular part of a new England defence after Geva Mentor (right) retired following the World Cup in August

Fadoju idolises veteran Mentor

It is testament to Fadoju’s rapid rise that many of her World Cup team-mates are players she has idolised since childhood, including veteran defender Geva Mentor.

The pair shared a room, with Mentor, who retired from international netball after the World Cup, taking Fadoju under her wing.

“She’s so supportive,” said Fadoju. “Kind of like a fun aunt.

“She helped me a lot behind the scenes, helping me to find my agent and helping me with contracts. She’s a good friend and a great team-mate.”

When the whistle blew on the World Cup final, Mentor quickly threw her arm around a dejected-looking Fadoju, who said “that’s just who she is”.

While it may be too soon to talk of the young defender stepping into Mentor’s shoes, fans can be excited by a player who has clearly already cemented her status in Jess Thirlby’s England squad for years to come.

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