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Climate Change Is Breaking Insurance. Here’s How Tech Could Save It.

Climate Change Is Breaking Insurance. Here’s How Tech Could Save It.
Climate Change Is Breaking Insurance. Here’s How Tech Could Save It.

If floodwaters outside a warehouse in Freeport, Texas, owned by private investment firm Postlane Partners rise to 8 inches, an internet-connected sensor will trigger an automatic $3 million payment from an insurance company, a startup called FloodFlash. If the waters rise to 16 inches, the payment will also rise—to $5 million.  

This type of policy, called parametric insurance, works like a bet. It has a defined payout, which limits the liability of the insurer. And it comes from a new breed of insurance company, stepping in to shoulder risks that traditional insurers can’t—or won’t—take on, because climate change has made more typical kinds of coverage unprofitable.

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