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Here’s How to Vet E-Bikes, E-Scooters and Other Products for Battery Safety

Here’s How to Vet E-Bikes, E-Scooters and Other Products for Battery Safety
Here’s How to Vet E-Bikes, E-Scooters and Other Products for Battery Safety

Faulty electronics are causing more fires in homes lately. This holiday season, I don’t want to give my neighbors the wrong kind of light show, so I sought advice on how to avoid buying potentially dangerous devices.

E-bike and e-scooter battery fires are soaring, particularly in New York, where 17 people have died and dozens have been injured this year.

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We often hear of stories of e-bikes and e-scooters bursting into flames due to battery safety issues. These products are popular, convenient, and often the only option for those who require more mobility, but it is important to make sure the batteries are safe and meeting safety standards. The following explains how to properly vet products for battery safety.

First and most importantly, be sure to always buy from an authorized dealer. Make sure to read reviews and ask questions about the product before making any purchases to be sure you are getting a quality product with good battery safety.

Secondly, you’ll want to double check the full testing specifications such as standards set according to battery type. For example, lithium ion batteries in the U.S. must meet the UL2272 standard (and EU 5008). This helps ensure that your battery is meeting the standards of safety, performance, and reliability. You’ll also want to check the information provided by the manufacturer about the battery’s cycle life and storage capacity.

Another important factor to check is the battery protection algorithm that is in place to alert you of any issue with the battery. It should be monitoring the temperature of the battery and protecting the battery from overcharging or overheating. You should also be sure to check the battery certification for the exact voltage, temperature and current that the battery can handle.

Finally, make sure to store the battery properly. The battery needs to be stored in a safe dry place and check the charge level regularly when not in use. Doing this will help avoid any battery issues, reducing the risk of a potential fire.

Overall, e-bikes and e-scooters can be a fun and convenient way of getting around but it is important to be sure you are buying products from a reputable dealer, do your research before purchasing, and store the battery properly to ensure that you are getting a quality product with good battery safety. Taking the time to vet the product will provide a safer, smoother experience for everyone involved.

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