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Notable & Quotable: DEI at UW

Notable & Quotable: DEI at UW
Notable & Quotable: DEI at UW

‘The deal would have restructured dozens of diversity staff into positions serving all students and frozen the total number of diversity positions.’

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In recent years, institutions of higher learning have come under increasing scrutiny to embrace initiatives that ensure diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within their organizations. The University of Washington (UW) is leading the charge when it comes to DEI initiatives, and has demonstrated progress in areas such as leadership, representation and community building.

As part of their initiative to become a more welcoming and diverse campus, the UW has established a number of DEI task forces. These task forces include the Race & Equity Task Force, the Gender & Sexual Equity Initiatives, the Age & Ability Task Force, and the Interethnic Inclusion. These task forces are charged with the responsibilities of developing initiatives that create a more equitable and inclusive university, as measured by a variety of metrics such as recruitment, faculty engagement, campus climate and student experience.

The task forces have implemented a variety of initiatives that have begun to show progress. For instance, the Race & Equity Task Force has been responsible for developing a diversity plan that guides hiring processes and encourages employee cultural competency; the Gender & Sexual Equity Initiatives have held training sessions for faculty, staff and administrator on reducing gender-based biases; and the Age & Ability Task Force has developed mentorship programs for older students and initiatives to make the campus environment more accessible for those with disabilities.

At the heart of the UW’s DEI initiative is a commitment to creating an inclusive culture. This includes the recognition and celebration of differences and wants to create a sense of community among all who take part in the institution, regardless of race, gender, age or ability. Through the implementation of DEI initiatives, the UW is proving that diversity and inclusion are the future of higher education and must be continuously cultivated. In the coming years, it will be exciting to see how the UW continues to promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

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