Why do people always wait until January to get fit?

Why do people always wait until January to get fit?
Why do people always wait until January to get fit?

Parkrun, which puts on free outdoor running events, tells BBC News they “usually see a strong upturn in January, particularly in the first Saturday of the new year”. And in January 2023, they had more than 50,000 registrations in the UK, compared with 26,000 in December 2022.

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January is the month of resolutions. Every year, millions of people set out to get fit and healthy as one of their main resolutions. While health is important and admirable, the question is: why do so many people wait until January to get fit?

First, it is important to note that many people feel under pressure to set resolutions in the new year. Every year, January 1 brings a fresh start—a chance to make a plan and try to stick to it. Secondly, we must realize that January is synonymously associated with “new year, new you”. There is a great amount of focus on making resolutions to become better versions of ourselves.

Aside from the desire to make resolutions in the new year, there are several external factors that play a role. During the holidays leading up to January, people tend to overeat, overindulge and lack physical activity. As a result, many people have “holiday weight” to lose when January arrives.

A third reason is that people tend to have more energy to tackle a new regime in the new year. After the holidays, there is usually an influx of motivation and energy into the new year which makes people more excited to kick-start their resolutions.

Finally, people wait until January to get fit because there are more resources available. Gyms and fitness centers often offer discounts to memberships during the new year, and diet and lifestyle programs tend to advertise more during that time.

Overall, people wait until January to get fit because of the psychological and physical need to start fresh in the new year, as well as an abundance of resources available at that time. However, it is important to remember that health is something to prioritize all year round. This is why those who are serious about their health are encouraged to start sooner rather than later in order to maximize results.

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