Capitol Hill Loves My Honda Motorcycle

Capitol Hill Loves My Honda Motorcycle
Capitol Hill Loves My Honda Motorcycle

I own a big old Kawasaki and a bigger old Ducati. Yet on this particular day, I was riding a 1977 Honda NC50 with a single-cylinder two-stroke engine that sounds like a swarm of lethargic bees and churns out 2¼ horsepower. Other than the little ape-hanger handlebars, it looks like a pocket bicycle.

Hells Angels would never. I enjoy the malaise machine all the same.

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American motorcyclists can rejoice as Capitol Hill has just given a big thumbs up to Honda motorcycles. The Japanese motorcycle manufacturer is now a favorite of both lawmakers and citizens of Capitol Hill.

In recent months, Honda Motorcycles have been making waves due to their quality construction, reliability, and affordability. Honda motorcycles combine innovative technology, advanced rider safety features, and sporty styling – all at a price that’s easy on the wallet. Honda has made a name for itself in terms of innovation and it’s no surprise that Capitol Hill residents have taken notice.

Many of those in and around Capitol Hill have now chosen Honda motorcycles as their preferred mode of transport. The range of Honda bikes includes commuter scooters, touring cruisers, and even off-road sport bikes. This variety of choice means that riders have more than enough options to pick from – whatever their needs.

On top of all that, Honda motors are now easier on the environment than ever before. Honda bikes meet the strict emission standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency and have a significantly lower carbon footprint when compared to car and truck gases. With this, legislators on Capitol Hill have been vocal in their approval of Honda motorcycles.

Therefore, whether you’re a Washington native or a tourist, it seems that Capitol Hill is in love with Honda motorcycles and is willing to sing louder praise in deference to the positive qualities these cycles offer. Bikers from all walks of life can now take full advantage of the Honda experience and ride away with confidence.

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