FDIC Hires Law Firm Cleary Gottlieb to Handle Workplace Culture Review

A special committee at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said it had hired the law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP to conduct a review into the workplace culture, replacing another previously hired law firm nearly a month after The Wall Street Journal revealed allegations of harassment and discrimination pervaded the agency.

Led by former acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon Kim, Cleary Gottlieb will examine allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct as well as other issues related to the workplace culture, including “any practices that might discourage or otherwise deter the reporting of, or appropriate response to, harassment and interpersonal misconduct,” the special committee said.

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The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has hired top legal firm Cleary Gottlieb to conduct a review of the agency’s workplace culture.

In a statement released on Thursday, August 22nd, FDIC announced it had hired Cleary Gottlieb to assess workplace attitude, behavior and interactions across the organization. The review is designed to help the agency better understand the current state of its culture and to identify any deficiencies.

The FDIC has long been committed to providing its employees with a safe and respectful working environment, as well as to inspiring and fostering innovation and collaboration. The agency is taking this further step to ensure that the work environment in each of its offices is as conducive as possible for its employees and management.

The review will include an assessment of the effectiveness of current efforts in promoting an inclusive workplace culture and consideration of any additional measures required. This will involve an analysis of the existing policies and practices related to the workforce as well as interviews with staff and management.

In making the announcement, FDIC emphasized that it is confident Cleary Gottlieb will provide independent, sound advice and guidance to the agency on measures to ensure the successful implementation of the agency’s Strategic Plan.

In light of this news, FDIC employees and beneficiaries can be confident that the agency is taking the necessary steps to provide all workers with the best possible working environment.

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