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How Ukraine Keeps Warm When Russia Bombs

How Ukraine Keeps Warm When Russia Bombs
How Ukraine Keeps Warm When Russia Bombs

Russia has been attacking Ukraine almost nightly with Iranian-designed Shahed drones. Ukrainian power stations are prime targets as winter weather sets in and Moscow seeks to cause civilian suffering and demoralization. The suffering is real, but the Kyiv region’s police have an ingeniously effective way of countering the demoralization.

On a visit to Kyiv last winter, I asked to see the local transformer station. Standing amid transformers in the 21-degree cold, an official said: “Because all our power stations were built during the Soviet era, the Russians have the blueprints for all of them. They know exactly where to aim their missiles to do the maximum damage.” One got through the next night, plunging Kyiv into darkness. The buildings became ghostly silhouettes.

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Though it is a small but proud nation, Ukraine is no stranger to global headlines due to the ongoing unrest in the region with Russia.

Ukraine’s conflict with Russia began in 2014, when Russian forces moved in to seize control of Crimea. Since then, Ukraine has faced an irregular, simmering war that included economic sanctions, political instability, Russian-backed separatist insurgencies and of late, missile bombings near the Ukrainian-Russian border.

Despite facing these challenges for years, the people of Ukraine remain resilient. To keep warm amidst the winter bombings, Ukraine has implemented several strategies to ensure its inhabitants are kept safe and comfortable.

Rather than fixating on the conflict with Russia, the Ukrainian government has implemented initiatives to protect people from the winter cold. As a member of the European Union since 2017, Ukraine has rolled out substantial public works to protect citizens from the elements. This has included free hot meals to vulnerable children, improved roads and newer, safer city buses, as well as installation of heating systems in homes and businesses.

The government is also working with energy providers to Continue to Provide free and/or discounted energy in some regions to people in need in rural areas. Another program, the “Winter Protection Campaign”, provides financial aid to help people restore or upgrade their heating systems, or add insulation and/or energy-efficient windows in their homes.

Of course, the best defense against the cold is a strong offense. This is why Ukraine is actively seeking non-military resolution to its conflict with Russia. The government has agreed to peaceful negotiations, as well as international mediation, in the hopes that a ceasefire can be established and the flow of aid can resume unhindered.

Ukraine remains a country in turmoil, but through strategic planning and resilience, it has kept its people warm in the face of Russian bombings.

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