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Hunter Biden Defies a Subpoena

Hunter Biden Defies a Subpoena
Hunter Biden Defies a Subpoena

Hunter Biden on Wednesday defied subpoenas to appear in front of the House Oversight and Judiciary committees, delivering instead a Trump-style broadside against his GOP investigators outside the Capitol. The President’s son says he has nothing to hide, but his refusal to answer questions suggests otherwise.

Hunter blamed his no-show on Republicans’ insistence that he initially sit for a deposition behind closed doors. “I’m here to testify at a public hearing today, to answer any of the committee’s legitimate questions,” Hunter said, without taking media queries. He said the GOP’s “illegitimate” inquiry was based on “distortions, manipulated evidence and lies.” His lawyer, Abbe Lowell, claimed Republicans would use a closed-door session to leak distorted snippets of Hunter’s testimony.

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Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has reportedly defied a subpoena issued to him by the Department of Justice in relation to a tax investigation.

The investigation, which has been ongoing since 2018, is examining his finances and business dealings. The subpoena is the latest development in a continuing inquiry into financial issues that have been raised with the Biden family.

Reportedly, the Department of Justice has issued the subpoena to Hunter Biden in order to gain testimony and documents related to a possible tax investigation. It is believed that Hunter Biden may have committed a number of potential violations of tax laws.

Hunter Biden has publicly stated that he does not intend to comply with the subpoena, citing the fact that the inquiry is politically motivated. In his defense, he claims that he has nothing to hide and that any investigation into his finances is politically motivated.

The situation is unfolding as the Department of Justice continues its investigation into Hunter Biden and the Biden family. It is yet unclear if Hunter Biden will ultimately comply with the subpoena, or if he will continue to defy its demands. In either case, the situation will remain a topic of heated debate in the months to come.

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