Notable & Quotable: To the 'Electeds' of Boston

Notable & Quotable: To the 'Electeds' of Boston
Notable & Quotable: To the 'Electeds' of Boston

‘ ‘On behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu,’ she was cordially inviting each of them ‘and a guest to the Electeds of Color Holiday Party on Wednesday’ ‘

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The city of Boston has been praised for many reasons and this week the spotlight shines on its “electeds”. This word has been embraced by a group of Bostonians who represent each district in the city and work together for the good of their constituents.

The term “electeds” was first used by Twitter user @AndreaLaRue to refer to Boston politicians who had been elected both on the state and municipal level. The term “electeds” captures the collaborative spirit of government officials working together to ensure that all citizens are heard and considered when important decisions are made.

During a time of deep divisions across the country, this group of “electeds” have shown what is possible when citizens come together and collaborate. They serve the public in a way that honors the diversity of people who live in Boston. They have opened up the city government by listening to everyone’s opinions and incorporating them into the decision-making process.

The people of Boston have come together to celebrate the accomplishments of their “electeds”, who have proved that unity and respect can create positive change in a city. Their commitment to connecting each district of the city and giving voice to all of its citizens is a reminder that together we can accomplish so much more than alone.

The city of Boston is fortunate to have its “electeds”, they act as an example of what unity and inclusion can bring and serve to remind us that change is always possible.

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