Why Doesn't Gen Z Want to Be All It Can Be?

Why Doesn't Gen Z Want to Be All It Can Be?
Why Doesn't Gen Z Want to Be All It Can Be?

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In recent years, we have seen a dramatic shift in attitudes among Generation Z (b. 1996 to the present) towards achieving their potential. While previous generations – such as Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers – have placed a huge emphasis on putting in the extra effort to pursue their dreams and be their best selves, Gen Z has moved away from this towards a more reserved attitude. So why doesn’t Gen Z want to be all it can be?

For starters, Gen Z faces a much different world than that of previous generations. With massive levels of student debt, job insecurity, and the looming threat of climate change, the generation faces a fairly gloomy outlook as they reach adulthood. This feeling of uncertainty can lead to a sense of hopelessness which can derail traditional aspirations of personal growth.

Additionally, Gen Z grew up as part of a digital-focused lifestyle. With the prevalence of smartphones and social media, the generation has seen an increase in instant gratification. Rather than work hard for long-term rewards, Gen Z feels that ‘likes’ and ‘retweets’ bring more immediate satisfaction.

Finally, Gen Z may suffer from a fear of failure. In a world where success is often measured by likes and follows, having an honest failure can be a hard pill to swallow. Many within the generation may be wary of putting real effort into something only to see it fail, which can lead to a focus on more low-risk tasks.

Overall, it is understandable why Gen Z may not want to fully invest in pursuing their goals and being all they can be. However, with the right support system in place, Gen Zers may be able to push past their fears and make something great out of the current environment.

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