Will America Betray Ukraine? – WSJ

Will America Betray Ukraine? - WSJ
Will America Betray Ukraine? - WSJ

Washington is ready to close up shop for the holidays, and so far there’s no deal for more weapons for Israel and Ukraine with changes to border security. The question to start asking is whether the U.S. is really going to let partisan divisions turn into a betrayal of Ukraine.

Hard to believe, but perhaps it is. President Biden warned Tuesday that America is “at a real inflection point in history” that could “determine the future” of Europe. He is right on that point. Without more U.S. weapons, Ukraine will lose to Vladimir Putin. One result would be an unstable Europe. The blow to U.S. power and influence would be on the order of Saigon in 1975.

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The question of whether America will betray Ukraine is the focus of a recent article in the Wall Street Journal. In an analysis of the current state of affairs between the two countries, the article points out the various points of tension, and asks whether the US will ultimately remain a friend or back away from Ukraine’s cause.

The article points to the various economic, political and security interests the US has in Ukraine, ranging from tradeflows, the implementation of US foreign policy objectives, and even to Ukraine’s role in keeping the former Soviet Union states in check. It acknowledges the important role that the US has been playing in trying to bring peace and stability to Ukraine, by way of providing financial and military aid, but it also acknowledges the fact that the US and its allies may be reaching their limits in terms of further assistance and involvement.

In addition, the article looks at the impact of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and other instances of aggression against Ukraine by Russia, and how this might be impacting the US’s stance towards Ukraine. The article notes that while the US has been vocal in condemning Russian actions and sanctions have been imposed, there is a fear amongst some that the US could eventually choose to push Ukraine further to the brink if it is deemed to be in the US’s best interests.

Finally, the article considers how America’s past behaviour when dealing with other nations with geopolitical importance serves as a potential indication of the US’s attitude towards Ukraine. In this regard, the article highlights the many instances in which the US has appeared to ‘betray’ other nations in the name of geopolitics.

Ultimately, the article will leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions. Though all of the different factors point to a potentially complex relationship between the US and Ukraine, the reality is that only time will tell as to whether the US will ultimately prove to be a true friend or one that betrays Ukraine’s cause.

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