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Biden’s Mixed Messages on Israel

Biden’s Mixed Messages on Israel
Biden’s Mixed Messages on Israel

President Biden made headlines by declaring on Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “has to change.” As is typical with the President, his subsequent remarks were hard to follow, but many heard them as a call for a new Israeli government coalition willing to jump-start a two-state solution.

It isn’t Mr. Biden’s place to pick Israel’s leaders. Instead, he could try listening to Israelis about the risks of empowering a Palestinian Authority (PA) that has refused to condemn the Hamas massacre. Or he could listen to Palestinians, 72% of whom believe Hamas was right to launch its Oct. 7 attack, according to a new poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. That figure rises to 82% among West Bank Palestinians, who are ruled by the PA, not Hamas.

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The military and political landscape of the Middle East is complex and sensitive, and Joe Biden’s presidential victory has introduced shifting dynamics to the region and Israel in particular. Although President Biden has received support from a large segment of the Israeli population, his messages thus far have been mixed, including statements that have both been supportive and rather critical of the Israeli government and policies.

President Biden has stressed the strong relationship between the United States and Israel since taking office, as well as his own respect and admiration for Prime Minister Netanyahu. Biden’s State Department issued a statement shortly after entering office that reiterated the United States’ long-term commitment to Israel and its security. Still, the President has taken issue with certain Israeli policies. Biden has pushed for a regional two-state solution, and stated unequivocally that the expansion of Israeli settlements must end. He has also urged Israel to end its blockade of Gaza and called for humanitarian aid for the citizens of the region.

In May 2021, the situation became further complicated when President Biden stated publicly that Israel had a right to defend itself against attacks, including from Hamas. At the same time, he emphasized the need to bring an end to the conflict, which has caused great civilian casualties, and supports restarting negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Iran has been another source of contention between the two nations, and although Biden is pushing for the United States to re-enter the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, he has also stated that the United States will not hesitate to respond to threats posed by that country.

President Biden has shown a willingness to both support and challenge the actions of the Israeli government. His approach is complex, yet is increasingly balanced by the United States’ diplomatic engagement with its longtime ally. He seeks to maintain a strong partnership with Israel, while not hesitating to call for a more equitable and comprehensive resolution to the regional conflicts. As his policy continues to evolve, it will be important to monitor how he balances between these two positions in the months and years ahead.

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