The Score: Macy’s, Hasbro, Pfizer and More Stocks That Defined the Week

The Score: Macy’s, Hasbro, Pfizer and More Stocks That Defined the Week

The Score is a weekly review of the biggest stock moves and the news that drove them.


An investor group has launched a $5.8 billion bid to buy Macy’s and take it private.

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This week saw a number of stocks that defined global markets, with a few companies reaching major milestones and others plummeting in wake of poor earnings. Here is a look at the key stocks of the week.

Macy’s Inc (M)

Macy’s Inc saw its shares soar over the week, with the company earning an impressive 14 percent increase this week alone. This is due to the company increasing their online sales, as well as their plans to open several new stores. This plan to expand their brick-and-mortar presence is reason to be optimistic about the company long-term, as well as their focus of reaching the burgeoning millennial demographic.

Hasbro, Inc. (HAS)

Hasbro, Inc. also had a phenomenal week, with their shares seeing an 8 percent increase after the release of better than expected third-quarter results. This was due to strong sales of their toys and games, particularly in the United States. The company also announced that they will increase investments in interactive gaming and digital experiences, setting them up for further success.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE)

Pfizer Inc. had a shaky week, with their shares seeing a 6 percent decline. This was largely due to the news that the company’s breast cancer drug Palbociclib had failed to meet its primary goal in studies. While this news is certainly a blow to the company, they have been quick to reassure their patient that they will continue to invest in other areas.

These stocks were just a few out of the many that defined the week’s markets. Macy’s Inc., Hasbro, Inc. and Pfizer Inc. all experienced a major surge (or decline) due to their respective results. This showcases the importance of watching the global markets to determine the success of various stocks. Those who are well-versed in the markets can look for these opportunities to capitalize on the success of these companies.

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