Can Even Trump Save Biden’s 2024 Run?

Can Even Trump Save Biden’s 2024 Run?
Can Even Trump Save Biden’s 2024 Run?

President Biden enters the New Year with what looks like a losing campaign trifecta—dismal ratings from three groups critical to his re-election.

A Dec. 29 Suffolk University/USA Today poll found Mr. Biden drawing only 63% from black voters, down from the 87% he received in 2020. The same poll found he trailed Donald Trump 34% to 39% among Hispanic voters, who broke for Mr. Biden in 2020 by 65% to 32%. Among voters under 35, Mr. Trump leads 37% to Mr. Biden’s 33%. In 2020 Mr. Biden carried voters 18 to 29 by 60% to Mr. Trump’s 36% and 30- to 44-year-olds by 52% to 46%.

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