Tag: Boebert

Lauren Boebert, Far-Right Firebrand, Is Switching House Districts in Colorado

Representative Lauren Boebert, a far-right House Republican, announced on Wednesday that she would run in a more conservative district in Colorado — seeking to increase her chances after a strong primary challenger emerged in her district. The move — from the Third Congressional District to the Fourth — will thrust Ms. Boebert into a crowded […]

Lauren Boebert, Facing Primary, Is Haunted by ‘Beetlejuice’ Episode

At a casino bingo hall in southwestern Colorado, Lauren Boebert, the Republican congresswoman, bounced her 6-month-old grandson on her knee. “The election’s still a ways away,” she said, as the guests arriving for the Montezuma County Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Day dinner trickled into the room. “And in talking with people at events like this, […]

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