Tag: citizens

Arab Citizens of Israel Released in Deals With Hamas Fear a Backlash

About one-fifth of Israelis are Arabs whose families were living in what would become Israel before the state was founded in 1948. Unlike the Palestinian refugees who ended up in the West Bank, Gaza and neighboring Arab countries, this group remained in Israel and received citizenship. While they carry Israeli passports, vote and can exercise […]

Maggie Alphonsi: ‘Female rugby players were treated as second-class citizens’

Maggie Alphonsi on her career: “You always felt like you were being treated as a second-class citizen, but you were also really grateful, which is a weird contradiction” Maggie Alphonsi is done with being grateful. That’s not to say the former Saracens and England flanker is unappreciative of what she’s achieved in rugby union. Her […]

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