Tag: solution

Sleepunders Are a Solution for Parents Who Are Anxious About Sleepovers

Brianna Michaud’s ’90s childhood was filled with sleepovers at friends’ houses. Her mother sometimes came inside the house and chatted with the parents for a few minutes, but sensitive topics like bodily autonomy, gun safety or technology use — except for the rule that she not watch anything rated PG-13 or higher — weren’t the […]

Women’s football: Saturday ‘3pm blackout slot’ backed as solution to help grow audience

Manchester City beat Manchester United on Sunday in front of a record 43,615 crowd at Old Trafford Women’s football matches should be shown live during the Saturday afternoon blackout, the director of ITV Sport has said. No matches are currently shown during the “3pm blackout” slot – 2.45pm-5:15pm – to encourage attendance at games. But […]

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