Category: AI

AI Tools Like GitHub Copilot Are Rewiring Coders’ Brains. Yours May Be Next

Many people—like, say, journalists—are understandably antsy about what generative artificial intelligence might mean for the future of their profession. It doesn’t help that expert prognostications on the matter offer a confusing cocktail of wide-eyed excitement, trenchant skepticism, and dystopian despair. Some workers are already living in one potential version of the generative AI future, though: […]

AI-Generated Voices in Robocalls Are Now Illegal

It’s now illegal for robocallers to use AI-generated voices thanks to a new ruling by the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday. In a unanimous decision, the FCC expands the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, or TCPA, to cover robocall scams that contain AI voice clones. The new rule goes into effect immediately, allowing for the commission […]

Confessions of an AI Clickbait Kingpin

“I’m not a fan of AI,” Nebojša Vujinović Vujo says. The admission surprises me: He has built a bustling business by snapping up abandoned news outlets and other websites and stuffing them full of algorithmically generated articles. Although he accepts that his model rankles writers and readers alike, he says he’s simply embracing an unstoppable […]

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