Tag: Memory

Biden’s Age and Memory Rise to Center of 2024 Presidential Campaign

When President Biden appeared at a last-minute news conference on Thursday night, he hoped to assure the country of his mental acuity hours after a special counsel’s report had devastatingly referred to him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” Instead, a visibly angry Mr. Biden made the exact type of verbal flub […]

Special Counsel Report Clears Biden on Documents but Raises Questions on His Memory

The special counsel investigating President Biden said in a report released on Thursday that Mr. Biden had “willfully” retained and disclosed classified material after leaving the vice presidency in 2017 but concluded that “no criminal charges are warranted.” Robert K. Hur, the special counsel, said in an unflattering 300-plus-page report that Mr. Biden had left […]

How to Prevent Memory Loss

As we age, our memory declines. This is an ingrained assumption for many of us; however, according to neuroscientist Dr. Richard Restak, a neurologist and clinical professor at George Washington Hospital University School of Medicine and Health, decline is not inevitable. The author of more than 20 books on the mind, Dr. Restak has decades’ […]

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